Once upon a time I spent my days playing music, and little else. I have played in so many bands that I can't remember them all. When I look back on that part of my life there is one band that I remember clearly. That band was called godsend 50.
We played together for a couple of years, and they were some of the best years of my life. I will always look back on them with a bit of regret. Like most bands it ended poorly.
In 1995 I was in a car accident that damaged my back and neck. Like most immortal young people I did not listen to my doctors and tried my best to perform like nothing had happened. After a very short time my constant pain turned me into an asshole. The band was made up of three very strong personalities and my disposition from the accident did not help at all.
Needless to say we split up and that was that. After a long length of time we got back together to play some music for ourselves and that was that.
We all moved on in our lives. Some of us stayed involved in music, and some did not. I kept playing until music moved me out to the Pacific Northwest. A couple of bands later I landed my dream gig. I was signed to a label and all I did was play music all of the time. I woke up and went to my drum set every morning.
Music took me across our country, but it brought me back to Oregon and the beginnings of my family.
I traded my drum set for a stroller and started a family that would take some years to complete.
My past was packed up and I moved forward.
For years I thought that all of my old practice tapes from godsend 50 were lost in one of my many moves across the country.
Today I found them all, and the memories of those days came flooding back. So, Aaron and Nick I want to thank you for those days and those memories. One day I hope to go back to Minnesota and record the version of Elsa's Dream that I am listing to right now.
I think that we had some pretty great moments there, and I raise this drink to you two.
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